- B.E.(EEE),
- B.E.( ECE),
- M.E.(Communication Systems),
- Power plant Engineering,
- Electronics -I,
- Electronics-II,
- Digital Electronics,
- Linear Integrated Circuits,
- Communication Engineering,
- Embedded Systems,
- Analog Communication,
- Digital Communication,
- Satellite Communication,
- Wireless Sensor Networks
1. 16 years From 01.07.2002 to 15.05.2017 (Annamalai University),
2. 16.05.2017 to till date(GCE, Thanjavur)
1. Mahalakshmi C., and Ramaswamy M., “Routing strategy for data transfer of varying packet sizes in virtual private networks”, International Journal of Computer Science Issues, 9. 3 (2012): 398-403.
2. Mahalakshmi C., and Ramaswamy M., “Tree routed contingency retrieval mechanism for virtual private networks”, International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering, 2.5 (2012): 139-143.
3. Mahalakshmi C., and Ramaswamy M., “Data transfer strategy for multiple destination nodes in virtual private networks”, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 7.11 (2012): 1372-1378.
4. Mahalakshmi C., and Ramaswamy M., “Multipath data transfer scheme for virtual private networks”, International Journal of Computer Applications, 44.8 (2012): 27-31.
5. Mahalakshmi C., and Ramaswamy M., “Routing scheme for multiple sources in virtual private networks”, International Review on Computers and Software, 7.1 (2012): 2968-2973.
6. Mahalakshmi C., and Ramaswamy M., “Routing methodology for secure transmission of data in virtual private networks” International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 4.11 (2013): 79-83.
7. M.Madhumitha, Mahalakshmi C., and Ramaswamy M.,"Emergency Message Dissemination in Urban Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks using different broadcast strategies", International Journal of Modern Electronics and Communication Engineering, 5.2 (2017): 20-25.
1. Mahalakshmi C., and Ramaswamy M., “Cluster based data transfer scheme for virtual private networks”, Proceedings of IET SEISCON, pp. 16-22, December 27-29, 2012.
2. Mahalakshmi C., and Ramaswamy M., “Re-routing strategy for wireless virtual private networks with CDMA nodes”, Proceedings of National Systems Conference, pp. 67-78, 2012.
1. One day conference on "Continuing Education on Advanced Rehabilitaion Technologies" organized by RMMC&H, Annamalai University, 02 April 2004.
1. Mahalakshmi C., and Ramaswamy M., “Re-routing strategy for wireless virtual private networks with CDMA nodes”, Recent Advancements in System Modelling Applications, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 188, Springer, (2013): 67-78.
1. ISTE sponsored Short Term Training Programme (SF) on TRENDS AND ISSUES IN MODELLING AND DESIGN OF DIGITAL SYSTEMS (TIMDDS’15), 22 to 26, June 2015.
1. DST-FIST Sponsored National workshop on "Emerging Trends in the operation and control of Smart Grid" organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, Annamalai University, 17 & 18 of September 2016.
2. ISTE Sponsored STTP on "Applications of Modeling and Simulation of Engineering Research", jointly organized by the department of Mechanical Engineering & Computer Science Engineering, Annamalai University, December 10 – 15, 2012.
3. AICTE Sponsored SDP on "Engine Electronics and Alternate Fuels" organized by the department of Mechanical Engineering, FEAT, Annamalai University, 16-29, May 2011.
4. UGC Sponsored STTP on "Goal oriented system modelling and identification" organized by the department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, FEAT, Annamalai University, 7 & 8 January 2009.
5. UGC Sponsored STTP on "Electrical Safety and Safety Management" organized by the department of Electrical Engineering, FEAT, Annamalai University, 18.11.2004 to 08.12.2004.
6. AICETE & ISTE Sponsored STTP on " Emerging trends in Power System Operation and Control" organized by the department of Electrical Engineering, FEAT, Annamalai University, June 1-12, 2004.
1. International workshop on "Emerging trends in Energy Systems Management" jointly organized by the FEAT and Center for Energy Systems Research, TTU, USA, 14-16 March, 2014.
2. Workshop on Technopreneur Promotion Programme organized by FEAT, Annamalai University, 4 January 2011
3. UGC Sponsored Workshop on "Trends and Issues in Signal Processing Research" organized by the department of Electrical Engineering, FEAT, Annamalai University, March 6 & 7, 2010.
4. One day workshop on "Electronic Circuit Design and Simulation"organized by the department of Electrical Engineering, FEAT, Annamalai University 7 AMDL, Bangalore, Vi Microsystems, Chennai, April 10, 2004.
5. One day workshop on "Patent Awareness" organized by the department of Electrical Engineering, FEAT, Annamalai University.
1. Course Expertise for Wireless Sensor Networks in 2016.
2. Course Expertise for Communication Engineering in 2017.
Other Activities:
1. Delivered a guest lecture on "Recent Trends in Virtual Technology" in Arasu Engineering College, Kumbakonam on 12.08.2009.
2. Delivered a guest lecture on "FAULTS IN DIGITAL CIRCUITS" in ISTE sponsored Short Term Training Programme (SF) on TRENDS AND ISSUES IN MODELLING AND DESIGN OF DIGITAL SYSTEMS (TIMDDS’15) on 24.06.2015.
3. Acted as a member in revising curriculam for B.E.(EEE) and M.E.(Communication Systems).
4. Acted as a mentor for the students from the academic year 2013.
5. Acted as a member in preparing questions in Electrical Engineering Department for Training and Placement Cell during the academic year 2016-2017.
6. Acted as an Assistant in Mid Term Test Committee for the conduct of Mid Term Test from July 2014 to November 2014.
7. Acted as a Session Chair Person for the paper presentation session in the Symposium "SURGE" organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering during the Academic year 2014-2015.
8. Acted as a Chair Person for the Cultural Function in the Symposium "SURGE" organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering during the Academic year 2014-2015.
9. Serving as a Faculty Advisor for 3rd year EEE students of GCE .
10. Acted as a Supervisor for college library old books stock verification.